Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

WikiLeaks 'Kill' Osama?

WASHINGTON - The military operation the U.S. military secrets that led to the death of Osama bin Laden was allegedly not free from interference by WikiLeaks. Whistle-blower site was touted to be the reason the U.S. is moving faster to 'paralyze' the world's number one terrorist leader.
Eye Tech launch on Thursday (05/05/2011), one of the leaked information to the WikiLeaks wire indicates that the U.S. actually has received instructions if bin Laden had been hiding in the area of ​​Abbottabad, Pakistan.
A document from 2008 which was released Wikileaks there is a record of the interrogation process a citizen of Libya, Abu al-Libi, who was once associated with bin Laden in Afghanistan.
When he was asked to become one of Osama's introduction in 2003, Libi was living in Peshawar, Pakistan. Osama asked Libi act as introductory messages between him and other colleagues in the territory of Pakistan. In mid-2003, bin Laden moved his family to Abbottabad to later work in the area and Peshawar.
Libi was captured in Pakistan in 2005 and eventually transferred to Guantanamo. U.S. intelligence organizations the CIA claims to have watched the movements of bin Laden by investigating a network of couriers.
According to British newspaper the Guardian, if Osama saw the report that was leaked on WikiLeaks, leader of Al Qaeda that would have immediately realized that the CIA nearly found a place of residence. Therefore, U.S. military secret operation was allegedly speeding before Osama realize their plans. (Van)

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