Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Helicopters Duo X, World's Fastest

Equally beginning with X, two helicopters are capable of flying much faster than ordinary helicopters.

 Their names are both using the letter X. Which one is Sikorksky X2, others named Eurocopter X3.
Both helicopters are capable of flying faster than ordinary helicopters.

Using the body Eurocopter Dauphin, X3 has several modifications from its predecessor's.
As quoted from the site Physorg, X3 adds an extra engine that is used to drive two extra propellers located on the short wing on either side of its body. Although only a single additional machine, but the plane is now still at the experimental stage that can run faster than ordinary helicopters.

When the regular heli usually fly between 240-260 km per hour (kph), capable of flying as fast as the X3 430 kph with the stable. This speed puts the X3 to be one of the world's fastest helicopter.



This helicopter is projected to be used for purposes of search and rescue mission search and rescue, coast guard duties, border patrol missions, offshore operations, up to intercity transportation.
As for military purposes, this heli can be used for special forces operations, search and rescue, transporting troops, as well as medical evacuation.

But the X3 is still losing speed by Sikorsky X2 helicopter, which is currently also still in the pilot phase. On trial 15 September 2010, Sikorsky X2 successfully drove at speeds up to 460 kph in stable flight.
Even helicopters can travel 480 kph on a flight at an angle slightly decreased.

Unlike the X3 Eurocopter, Sikorsky X2 coaxial rotor use with dual propellers and reinforced with extra blades in the tail.
This helicopter uses a variety of new technologies, including systems Fly-by-Wire system that lets the engine operate efficiently.
With the speed achieved during the trial, X2 has managed an unofficial record as the world's fastest helicopter. (Eh)
Posted on 07.46 / 0 komentar / Read More

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Found, Wind Galaxy Destroyer Blowing wind robs molecular gas needed to form new stars.

 Infrared Space Observatory Herschel owned by European Space Agency (ESA) has detected the movement of wind consisting of gas molecules that flow away from the galaxy.
The wind that has been monitored for many years was thought to have sufficient power to destroy the galaxy consists of gas and halt star formation early on.
Herschel detected the wind is incredible. Some blowing hard, with a speed of more than 1,000 kilometers per second. The wind is 10 thousand times faster than the storms that blow on Earth.
"This is the first time that such molecular gas flow can be clearly observed in a galaxy," Echard said Sturm, a researcher from the Max-Planck Institute, who chaired the study, as quoted by the Daily Galaxy, Wednesday, May 11, 2011.
This finding, Sturm said, is important because the stars are formed from molecular gas. While this wind flow steal materials belonging galaxies needed to make new stars. "If hembusannya strong enough, they can even stop the total star formation," he said.
"With Herschel, now we can study what effect the wind is blowing towards the evolution of galaxies," said Sturm.
From the research, concluded that up to 1200 times the mass of our sun is lost every year due to the devastating winds. The amount is equal to the depletion of gas supplies to form a galaxy of stars between one and 100 million years into the future. In fact, the disruption of star formation has adverse effects on galaxies.
The wind itself could be due to the expenditure of particles and intense light of a new star or it could be by the shock wave from the explosion of an old star. Alternatively, the wind can be triggered by radiation caused by substances that are spinning around the black hole, in the middle of the galaxy. (Eh)

Posted on 07.55 / 0 komentar / Read More

Global Warming Disturb Internet Connection

Internet access via Wi-Fi connection and other communications-related threat of global warming unless some action is taken to protect them from temperatures continue to rise and weather gets worse.
According to Caroline Spelman, Minister of Environment UK, higher temperatures can reduce the distance the signal beam wireless communication devices. The rain storms can affect the reliability of the device in the capture signal. Wetter winters will also cause landslides, damaging the stake, as well as underground cables.
The threat posed by climate change on the Internet and telephone access is a rare occurrence and only developed countries that experienced more severe impact. In developing countries alone, a greater risk posed by climate change is flooding, droughts, and rising water level.
"If climate change threatens the quality of the signal or you do not get a signal due to extreme fluctuations in temperature, then you will incur a loss. This is very urgent for us to overcome, "Spelman said, quoted by the Guardian, Wednesday, May 11, 2011.
"Imagine if at the time an emergency condition, internet connection or telecommunications were cut off," said Spelman.
Spelman said the report prepared, it was concluded that the infrastructure, from roads and railways, electricity supply sources to the water supply source, should be made more resilient to climate change.
More detail, the report concludes, electrical cable network should be strengthened to prevent damage, the road must be coated with a protective surface for the asphalt does not melt, and the trains should be made more resistant to heat so as not curved.
The government itself, says Spelman, acknowledged that climate change impacts on telecommunications is not well understood. But a report prepared showed a number of potential risk. Besides the impact on coverage and reliability, the warmer temperatures and more intense storms that could potentially lead to the communication infrastructure have flooded or damaged by falling trees are uprooted.
In the report, researchers also predicted that changes in the growth of trees can affect how the radio waves move. (Eh)

Posted on 07.49 / 0 komentar / Read More

Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Goliath Tigerfish Fish, Predators Crocodile

Goliath Tigerfish fish including one of the freshwater fish of the most famous scary and very wild when chasing prey in the form of animal with any size, including crocodiles. Angler Jeremy Wade, a professional angler from England is one of the few people who managed to catch the fish. He managed to beat tigerfish measuring 5 feet long or about 1.5 meters weighs 45Kg after trying to arrest him for 8 days. Photo: / ICON /
Posted on 08.05 / 0 komentar / Read More

What the World's Most Expensive Domain Name

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Posted on 01.59 / 0 komentar / Read More

70 Year Evolution of Mobile

Motorola makes DynaTAC portable phone as the world's first private mobile phone.
VIVAnews - The phone now has a gadget such as compulsory for everyone. Just look at the people you meet on the road. Most likely a cell phone in his trouser pocket or slip into their shirts.
But did you know that the way the phone has come a process of evolution for 70 years? WonderHow Site To immortalize the journey of evolution that phone.

1. SCR-194 (1938)
From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone
Komunasi tool is 'mbahnya' phones. SCR-194 and SCR-195 is the first portable AM ​​radio in the world. It is created by the U.S. Army Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. Equipment which is seen as a walkie talkie that first weighs about 11 kg and helpless to reach 8 km.

2. SCR-300 (1940)
From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone
This tool is a replacement for SCR-195. Developed by Motorola, SCR-300 is a portable FM radio used by allied forces in World War II. He weighs between 14-17 kg, with 4.8 km radius coverage.

3. SCR-536 (1942)
From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone
Motorola produces 'Handie talkies' to the U.S., as the development of two previous communications tool. By using the AM radio technology, SCR-536 is much lighter weight, which is only 2.27 kg with a range of 1.6 km.

4. MTA (1956)
From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone
Mobile System A (MTA) is a communication device made by Ericsson and is used by Sweden. He weighs 40 kg or the equivalent weight of 300 units of mobile phones iPhone.

5. DynaTAC (1973)
From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone
Motorola makes a portable phone prototype Dynamic Adaptive Total Area Coverage (DynaTAC) as the first practical personal cell phone. In the picture, former Vice President of Motorola's Martin Cooper was called competitors of Bell Labs, Joel S. Engel.

6. DynaTAC (1983)
From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone
Ten years after the emergence of a prototype DynaTAC, Motorola began marketing this phone to the public. With a weight weighing 0.9 kg, DynaTAC worked in network technology, AMPS, first-generation analog cellular service in North America.

7. MicroTAC (1989)
From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone
Motorola introduces MicroTAC which is the first flip phone design in the world. This design reduces the size of the phone when not in use. With its small size. MicroTAC is also the world's first cell phone pocket.

8. StarTAC (1996)
From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone
Continuing its line of TAC, Motorola then launched the first clamshell phone named StarTAC that can be folded like a clam shell. According to Motorola, the phone is inspired by a communication device that appears in the movie series Star Trek.

9. Communicator (1997)
From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone
Nokia 9000 Communicator is a mobile phone that brings users into the era of smart phones or smartphones. With its clamshell design, this phone is the first to provide the LCD screen and a full QWERTY key board.

10. Benefon (1999)
From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone
Geosentric is the first handset vendor that makes the phone integrated with GPS devices. Not only that, this phone called Benefon withstand splashes of water, using a greyscale, and provides a map to track the position and movement of the user.

11. VP-201 (1999)
From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone
In Japan, Kyocera launched its mobile phone VP-201 which is the first phone that has an integrated camera.

12. BlackBerry 5810 (2002)
From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone
RIM launches first BlackBerry devices are integrated with the phone. It is targeting the mobile professional users who require instant email service and schedule adjustments. The disadvantage, these devices do not have a speaker and microphone.

13. iPhone (2007)
Apple iPhone
Steve Jobs started Apple introduced the iPhone in 2007, a revolutionary smart phone that uses touch screen as well as adopting 3G technology.

14. HTC EVO 4G (2010)
From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone
This phone is a phone first to adopt the standard 4G, and WiMAX networks operating in. With Android operat system 2.1, it is the largest mobile phone touch screen, 8 MP camera, video recorder high definition, HDMI output, features Mobile Hotspot, and Sense HTC interface.
Posted on 01.56 / 0 komentar / Read More

NASA Prove Einstein Theory of Relativity

VIVAnews - gauge the gravity of the United States space agency, NASA, successfully proving that sparked two key assumptions in the theory of relativity, Albert Einstein. This theory proposed by Einstein 52 years ago.
The mission of The Gravity Probe-B (GP-B) was launched in 2004 to study the two Einstein assumptions. First, the geodetic effect, or the curvature of space and time around gravity. Second, assumptions regarding the frame-dragging, which explains the number of space-time structure of the twisted due to the rotation of a mass.
"Imagine the earth as if immersed in things like honey," said Francis Everitt, Stanford University researcher who is also principal investigator of the GP-B. "When the earth rotates, honey around it will form a vortex that follows (swirl), as well as space and time," said Everitt analogy.
Gravity Probe-B uses four gyroscope (orientation measure) with ultra high levels of accuracy for measuring the gravity of these two hypotheses. The tool is then confirmed both by direct gravitational effect of this tool into a star called IM Pegasi, to create a neutral precision.
If gravity had no impact on space and time, the GP-B gyroscope will be pointing in the same direction when the probe was in polar orbit around the earth. However, gyroscopes have small but measurable changes to the direction of rotation of the earth charm.
"The results of this mission will have long-term impact on the theory that physicists have," said Bill Danchi, antrofisika experts and observers at Nasa headquarters in Washington.
"Anyone who doubts the theory of Einstein's theory in terms of general relativity will try to find the exact measurement results from the GP-B has been done," said Danchi.
This result is a project conducted NASA's longest, which has been engaged in research for the relativity gyroscope since 1963.
Research and experiments conducted during these decades has pioneered technology to control the disorder that could affect the shuttle, such as aerodynamic attraction, magnetic fields, and variations in the heat. Furthermore, the mission of the star tracker and gyroscope NASA is a tool with the highest precision ever designed and manufactured.

• VIVAnews
Posted on 01.53 / 0 komentar / Read More

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